Privacy Policy


Rose City Digital LLC (referred to hereafter as "RCD") is committed to protecting your privacy when you access and use this and other sites owned by RDC and provides you this notice that any data or information collected and used by in connection with the Site and services or materials available or enabled via the Site ("Services" and "Materials") are governed by this online privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") as amended from time to time, and not any privacy policy in effect at the time the data and information was collected.

This Site and the Services and Materials enabled or made available by the Site are intended for adult audiences, and RCD does not knowingly collect any personal information from anyone under 16 years of age.

Not in Scope

This Privacy Policy does not govern privacy practices associated with any other website not associated with RCD including, but not limited to:

  • any websites linked to this site
  • offline activities or other products, services or materials not available or enabled by the Site. 

Any personal information you provide to a website not part of RCD will be subject to the privacy policy posted on that web site.

Changes in Privacy Policy

  • Any information that identifies or can be used to identify the person to whom such information pertains ("personal information") that we collect and maintain will be subject to this Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time.
  • RCD may change this Privacy Policy from time to time in its sole discretion and will provide notice of changes in the Privacy Policy and on the Site's home page.
  • If you have objections to the Privacy Policy, you should immediately discontinue use of the Site and Services and Materials.
  • Unless at the time you provide personal information to you expressly limit how such information will be used to communicate with you, either by RCD or third parties, RCD will not change your preferences in this regard without your consent, and you will be deemed to have been made aware of, and will be subject to the changes to the Privacy Policy after RCD has posted the notice of changes in the Privacy Policy and on the Site's home page.

Personal Information & Preferences

  • You have the right at all times to access and correct your personal information and privacy preferences.
  • RCD is committed to respecting your preferences and legal rights with respect to access to, correction of, and deletion of your personal information. Except in particular circumstances described in this Privacy Policy, or where required by law, regulation, litigation, national security or law enforcement, RCD will not provide your name to other companies, organizations, or governments without your consent.
  • If you provide RCD with inconsistent privacy preferences (e.g. indicating on one occasion that you may be contacted with respect to marketing offers from RCD or third parties and on another that you may not be contacted with respect to such offers) Rose City Digital will update its records with your latest preference in a timely and accurate manner.
  • RCD is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of any other web sites to which this Site, the Services or any Material may link. You are strongly advised to review the privacy policy(ies) of any of these sites before using them.
  • RCD adheres to the EU-US Privacy Shield Principles regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information covered by the Privacy Policy from the European Union.
  • Sites operated by RCD do not currently meet the criteria to be subject to the CCPA.

Collection of Personal Information

  • As you access and use the Site, Services and Materials, RCD may from time to time ask you to provide certain information and data about yourself by filling out and submitting a form or a field on the Site. This information could include, for example, your first and last name, mailing address, country of residence, e-mail address, telephone or facsimile number, work address and other information. Of course, it is optional for you to provide such information, however, in some instances RCD may require certain mandatory information about you in order for you to gain access to or use the Site, the Services and Materials. If you do not provide mandatory data and information with respect to that particular access to or use of the Site, the Services or Materials, you will not be able to access or use the Site, the Services or Materials. Or, if you wish to delete your data and information (as provided above) and such data or information is mandatory, then you may no longer be able to access or use the Site, the Services or the Materials.
  • In order to facilitate our evaluation of your use of the Site, the Services and the Materials, RCD may also from time to time collect information about your computer which may include among other information, its operating system, CPU speed, Internet Protocol (IP) address, referring or exit web pages and browser type. RCD will use this information to measure your use of the Site, the Services and Materials to support, evaluate, enhance and supplement your user experience with the Site, the Services and Materials. We may also match or link this information with any other information held by RCD.
  • In addition, RCD may choose to supplement the personal information you provide to us with information about you available from other third party sources. Where permitted by law, we may, for example, supplement your Registration Information with address information provided by the U.S. Post Office to maintain and improve performance of our data base, authenticate users and/or prevent abuse of the Site, the Services or the Materials. We may also supplement the information you submit to us with demographic or other information (e.g. age and/or interests) stored in third party databases to better focus and enhance and marketing or other communications we send to you about the Site, the Services or the Materials that we feel may be of interest to you.
  • In some instances, RCD may choose to link from the Site to various third party vendors and service providers who may have products or services that our Site users might find useful, such as those that can be used with or are compatible with the Services and Materials accessible from or enabled by the Site. In order to use any products or services from such third parties, you may be required to provide personal information to such third parties. In such event, any personal information you provide to these third parties will be subject to their privacy policy posted on their web site.

Cookies, Web Beacons, Tracking Devices

  • RCD may use cookies, web beacons or other devices to track your use of the Site, the Services or the Materials (e.g. types of Services or Materials used, number of uses or downloads, number of users of the Site, the Services or the Materials) and our web servers will automatically log the IP/Internet address of your computer. This information is collected in aggregate form, without identifying any use individually. RCD may use this aggregated information for improving and enhancing the Site, the Services and Materials and for statistical analysis. It is not RCD practice to use this information for any other purposes or to identify any user personally, however, where you have expressly provided consent for the Site, the Services or the Materials to "remember" the unique identifier that you select when you register your account, that unique identifier will be stored on a cookie on your computer and that unique identifier will be linked to your Registration Information. For your information and understanding, a cookie is a small amount of data that is transferred to your browser by a web server and can only be read by the server that gave it to you. It serves as your ID card and enables the web server that gave it to you to record your passwords and preferences. A web beacon is a small gif image that is embedded in an HTML page or email used to track when the page or email has been viewed. Similar devices can be embedded in the Services or Materials to send data to a web server when a set of user-initiated events occur, as when a user clicks on one or more buttons to initiate an action, direction or response on the Site.
  • Most browsers default to allow or accept cookies, and most products and services that include similar devices also default to activate or allow the collection of data. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the option to decide whether or not to accept it (however, some web pages, including those that may be contained in web sites linked to this Site, may require an authorization and may not grant you the option of choosing not to accept cookies or similar devices and will likely not allow you to access those pages or any related products or services).
  • You are also advised that some products and services, including some of the Services and Materials on this Site may allow document authors to restrict access to documents, track access to or use of those documents, or involve transmission of data over the Internet to verify authenticity of authors, recipients and documents. Where this type of tracking is not obvious to you, the software and/or services license or terms of use, pop-ups or notifying e-mail will inform you of these features and of any options available to you to disable the features.

Use of Your Personal Information

RCD collects your personal information to support, record, facilitate and enhance your use of the Site, the Services and the Materials. When you register an account for the Site, the Services and/or the Materials, the information is logged to register your rights to tech support and other benefits made available from time to time to registered users. Except where prohibited by law or where you have opted to not receive such communications, we also use your personal information to track your use and preferences and to keep you informed about product and service upgrades, and other products and services of RCD, its partner vendors and partner service providers and other third parties.

Protection of Your Personal Information

RCD classifies the personal information that you submit and provide in connection with registering yourself as a user of the Site, the Services or the Materials as "Registration Information." Your Registration Information is protected in the following ways:

  • Access by you to your Registration Information is available only through a password and unique user identifier selected by you and the password is encrypted. (RCD strongly advises that you not share your password or unique customer ID with anyone.)
  • Your Registration Information resides on secure servers that only selected RCD personnel have access to, using the principle of least privilege. These personnel are bound under strict confidentiality agreements with RCD prohibiting disclosure or use of your Registration Information other than for its intended purposes as contemplated by this Privacy Policy.
  • RCD encrypts your personal information, thereby taking reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized parties for viewing, disclosing or using such information.

Any personal information that you submit or provide that does not constitute Registration Information also resides on RCD secure servers and is accessible only by selected RCD personnel who, according to their role and following the principle of least privilege. These individuals are bound under strict confidentiality agreements with RCD prohibiting disclosure or use of your Registration Information other than for its intended purposes as contemplated by this Privacy Policy. This information is not accessible to you online and so you will not be required to select a password in order to view or modify it.

Transfers of Information to Successors & Assigns

You acknowledge and agree that if RCD sells or assigns assets (or the assets of any division or subsidiary) to another entity, or RCD (or a division or subsidiary) is acquired by or merged with another entity, RCD may provide to such entity customer information that is related to that part of our business that was sold to, assigned to, or merged with the other entity without obtaining your further consent, but RCD will provide notice of such asset sales, assignments, acquisitions, or mergers on the Site.

Notice Regarding Community Sites

Any information that you post to a public chat room, blog, bulletin board, or to community help, wikis, personal sharing URLs and user profiles ("Community Sites") will be available to all users accessing that location, and your e-mail address and other personal information and content you upload may also be posted on these Community Sites. The information you share by posting to the Community Sites may be read, collected or used by other users accessing these Community Sites for any purpose including sending you unsolicited messages or Spam. RCD is not responsible for any information you elect to submit to these Community Sites, the uses of that information, or the consequences to you resulting from the use of that information.


If you feel that RCD has failed to comply with its obligations under this Privacy Policy or otherwise have complaints with respect to RCD use or protection of your personal information, please reach out to us at Please be specific in your complaint and provide as much detail as possible so that we can promptly address your concerns. We will investigate and respond to all complaints promptly.

Changes to Privacy Policy

The privacy landscape is changing fast and we strive to be as clear and current as possible which means that this privacy policy may be updated without notice. Please regularly review our Privacy Policy for updates. Your continued use of this site will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms.